Dr. Yarmolyuk and Dr. Arboleda-Lopez of Orthodontic Experts are pleased to accept payment for orthodontic care for patients covered under the All Kids in Illinois health insurance plan. You might not be aware that the All Kids insurance that Illinois parents depend upon for regular medical and dental care also covers many orthodontic treatments like braces.
If you come in for a consultation, Dr. Yarmolyuk, Dr. Arboleda-Lopez, or one of their staff can evaluate your child’s smile for possible treatment that will qualify for AllKids health insurance. Illinois medical card programs require a consultation with a qualified orthodontist to determine eligibility. Just contact any of the Orthodontic Experts offices in Illinois to schedule your free consultation and begin your child’s journey to a brighter smile.
Illinois is a leader in making sure that everyone in the state enjoys health insurance and dental coverage. They have many programs administered through Medicaid that assist low-income residents who need help paying medical bills of all kinds. The Illinois All Kids insurance plan is a comprehensive health plan for any child in the state that needs coverage.
The All Kids Care Illinois program offers much more than just emergency hospital care. It’s designed to let your children enjoy the benefits of regular checkups and wellness care, not just treatment when they fall ill. It covers things like optometrists and eyeglasses, too. Illinois All Kids Insurance also covers regular dental care, and many orthodontic procedures, including braces.
While all patients don’t automatically qualify for braces under AllKids insurance, you can find out if you can get braces for your child during a free consultation at any of the Orthodontic Experts convenient locations. Whether you live in Chicago, anywhere in Cook County, or any of the surrounding counties, there’s an office near you.
The requirements for All Kids in Illinois are less complicated than many other healthcare programs in other states. Any child will be eligible for coverage if they are residents of the State of Illinois, they are 18 years of age or younger, and their parents meet the income limits. Limits are based on the size of the family as well as monthly income
There are four different levels of policies for All Kids health insurance:
As you can see, All Kids Care Illinois is designed to make sure that every child in the state receives great medical care at a price every family can afford. These insurance policies also include regular dental care, so there’s no reason your children shouldn’t have healthy teeth and gums, too. Dr. Yarmolyuk and Dr. Arboleda-Lopez want to remind patients that they gladly welcome all forms of Medicaid insurance payments, including Public Aid, FamilyCare, Tarjeta Medica, and of course, All Kids in Illinois insurance. Unlike some other dental practices, Orthodontic Experts don’t limit the number of Medicaid patients they accept.
Regular dental appointments don’t require any special paperwork to qualify for coverage under the AllKids insurance plan. In order to get the program to pay for braces or other teeth-straightening orthodontic work, you’ll have to be approved by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services before you go ahead with the procedure. Don’t worry, however; the procedure is simpler than it sounds.
Dr. Yarmolyuk, Dr. Arboleda-Lopez, and the staff at every Orthodontic Experts location are approved by the State of Illinois to provide a written assessment of your child’s need for braces. Come in for a consultation at any of our offices and you’ll get exactly what you need to apply for coverage for braces under the Illinois All Kids insurance plan. Once your application is approved, you can schedule your orthodontic care at your convenience. And the best part is that the consultation at Orthodontic Experts to determine your eligibility for AllKids is always free!
If your application for orthodontic treatments isn’t approved under the All Kids Insurance program, don’t give up! Dr. Yarmolyuk and Dr. Arboleda-Lopez are committed to finding a way to make every child’s smile as bright and confident as it can be. They’ll gladly work with you to work out a payment plan that you can afford. Contact them today to schedule your free consultation to see if your child qualifies for braces under the Illinois All Kids Insurance Plan. The Orthodontic Experts will make sure that every child walks out of their office with a big smile on their face!